Sunday, 7 February 2016

SVN (Log Status Diff)

SVN View the change:

In order to view the change made to the repository you can check with the GUI and Cmd.

You can also compare the difference between your working copy and Repository.
Scenario:  You made some change to cast in the crew…..

SVN status : It is to check the changes made to the particular file.

SVN diff: It is compare the file with repository. With the working copy to the repository.

SVN log: It is to get the history of the changes made to the particular file or to the repository.

Scenario:  Consider the director of Game of thrones decided to make some changes to the script according to the book of Game of thrones. So he called George to make some major changes to the script. So George will check his Book and compare that with the TV series script.

Consider in this scenario where the book is the major repository and TV series script is the working space. George will first check the status of the TV series what all the changes were made to the TV series script and then he compares that with the book of Game of thrones which is the acting Repository in this scenario.

SVN log is to check the history of changes made to the particular file.
Consider in some episode where some particular scene of Game of thrones took 14 Script modulations, then if you check the script file then if you check the log then it will display 14 logs including the director who made the change J  as well as the date and time the commit made.

SVN cmd:

After committing the file type the command;

Svn diff (filename) to view the difference you made to the file.
Comparing with your working copy to the previous commited version.

Svn status: To check what all the changes are yet to be commited to the repository 


SVN Log:

If you need to check with the history of changes made to that file or to the repository you can see the log command.


The only thing with SVN is when you want to view the log immediately after committing the file, it will show the last commit and not the recent commit, in order to overcome that you have to update the SVN then you have to try it again.

The reason is that all the Subdirectories in the repository is considered as objects. So SVN will try to remember the version number from your working copy. So if you try to make some changes to the directory (Ireland) then the SVN clearly knows you have made some changes to the directory Ireland and committed to version 2 but the working copy is still at version 1 so once you update your working copy you can able to view the latest svn log.

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